General Education

Every student who graduates from Friends University will complete a general education program intentionally designed to build essential skills and prepare you for a diverse and ever-changing work environment. General Education courses are provided by different academic divisions to provide a cross-discipline approach to developing skills in critical thinking, quantitative analysis, written and verbal communication, and collaboration with peers from different disciplines.

The intention of the General Education courses at Friends University is for you to take and complete these courses primarily during your first two years of college. These courses will provide a good foundation for future coursework as well as a broad perspective for determining future job or professional school opportunities.

Friends Experience

A first-year seminar course is one method commonly utilized to help first-year college students integrate, both socially and academically, into the campus community. The Friends Experience course, which is one element of the General Education program, is designed to connect you with campus resources, help you to integrate socially and academically to the Friends University community, and provide you with the essential skills to be successful throughout your college journey.

The Friends Experience course maintains a focus on helping you connect your courses with your desired career. Course activities may include academic success skills, topics related to developing positive relationships, financial management, and developing a 4-year plan to graduate. Graduating from college in four years is an important goal you should begin planning for during your first semester.

First-year students are required to take 2-semesters of Friends Experience while transfer students are required to take one semester in order to graduate from Friends University. The course meets 1-2 days a week.

View the General Education Requirements
