Army saxophonist to perform with Concert Band

Alto saxophonist Steve Ticknor will be joining the Friend University Concert Band at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 9 in the Riney Fine Arts Center’s Sebits Auditorium.

Major-Sergeant Steve Ticknor is the principal saxophone in the United States Army Band, Pershing’s Own, in Washington, D.C.

In addition to Ticknor’s appearance, the Naval Station Great Lakes Brass Quintet will also perform.

The concert will feature sacred music, including “Angels in the Architecture” which was inspired by Sydney Opera House in Australia. Ticknor will also perform a new work by composer Mark Lewis, “Concerto for Alto Saxophone and Wind Ensemble.”

Tickets are $6 for adults, and $4 for seniors and students. They may be purchased online at, or by calling the Fine Arts Box Office at 316-295-5677.

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