Wichita & KC: Classes and work will be remote tomorrow Monday, Jan. 6 due to weather. Family Therapy intensives will continue online tomorrow

Workshop to Empower Educators as Change Agents June 20-21

Equipping teachers to be innovative in the classroom is the primary goal of the Change Agents in the Classroom teacher education workshop June 20-21, 2017. The workshop will take place at Friends University in Wichita.

Change Agents in the ClassroomTeachers will learn new strategies for becoming change agents within their schools, overcoming classroom challenges, motivating students and utilizing technology. Friends University will offer one to three graduate-level credits that can be used for re-licensure, career advancement or degree completion.

The keynote speaker will be Joshua Ehret, a tech-guru and instructional specialist, who currently works with more than 25 schools in one of the largest school districts in the Midwest. Ehret seeks to improve student learning and creativity while helping educators and administrators merge the sea of technology into curriculum. Ehret has a bachelor’s degree in history education and a master’s degree in instructional design and technology.

“Our workshop is designed to help professionals incorporate technology and other skills into their classrooms,” said Lisa Schmidt, director of graduate workshops. “The presentations will meet the technology comfort levels of all educators, and the resources and strategies will apply to any subject area and grade level.”

For more information about the workshop or to register, please visit our Change Agents webpage or call 316-295-5516.

Friends University, a Christian University of Quaker heritage, equips students to honor God and serve others by integrating their intellectual, spiritual and professional lives.