KNEA Bargaining Tour 2020 Electronic Paper Application

KNEAThis Electronic Paper Application for Enrollment is for K-12 educators attending the KNEA Bargaining 2020 Tour. Once submitted, you will receive an automatic reply stating your application has been received. In addition, you will soon receive a confirmation email from Education Workshops stating that you are enrolled with instructions on how to provide payment of $85.00. This application officially enrolls you into a university system, of which completion of an assignment is required.

Fields marked with an * are required
Gender *

Please answer all of the following questions and check all that apply:
I am a new student to Friends University? *
Have you taken previous coursework and are updating your information?
I am interested in learning more about how to apply workshop credits as a plan of study within the Friends University Master of Education program:
Location I attended (or plan to attend) for training (select one): *