Welcome to the Academic Resource Center! We are excited to provide individual tutoring, group test study sessions, and resources to help you grow in your learning skills and subject mastery. We serve all students at Friends University: Traditional Undergraduate, FriendsFlex (adult and online) and graduate students. Please read on to learn about our mission and services.
The Academic Resource Center strives to promote the success of every Friends University student by providing individualized assistance and supplemental resources. Our staff of professionals and peer tutors encourage students to develop the academic skills necessary to be effective, efficient, and confident in all academic and professional environments.
The ARC is located on the first floor of the Edmund Stanley Library, in room 112.
School Year Hours of Operation
Sunday: 3 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Saturday: Closed
Summer Hours
Sunday: Closed
Monday-Thursday: 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed
Adult Undergraduate, Graduate and distance students may still email papers during breaks. We will provide feedback outside of the listed ARC hours.
NOTE: The ARC will be closed for breaks, holidays and weekends around holidays. Holidays include, but are not limited to the following: Labor Day weekend, Thanksgiving break, Christmas break weekends and holidays, Martin Luther King Jr. Day weekend, President’s Day weekend, Good Friday and Easter Sunday, and Independence Day.
About the ARC
ARC tutors provide a variety of help for students in the areas of writing, natural sciences, mathematics, music theory, accounting, Spanish, and computer science. This assistance is free to Friends students and alumni, and it is available on a drop-in basis or by appointment on the first floor of the Edmund Stanley Library, Room 112.
Our team of tutors provide one-on-one assistance and group study sessions before tests for courses offered at Friends. Our crew includes peer tutors (fellow students), professional writing tutors and several community professionals who volunteer time to help students learn. The center provides tutors with mandatory training and in-services on best practices of tutoring, and the tutors meet a minimum number of tutoring hours each academic year. This is designed so our tutors are trained to help you engage in the learning process, grow in your own independent learning skills, and understand your subject matter better.
Students enrolled in FriendsFlex (online) may elect to submit essays to the Academic Resource Center digitally throughout the year. Submit your papers by following this link:
ARC Essay Review & Return Form
Come to the ARC in person for quick writing advice, to use our style and writing handbooks, several ESOL (English as a Second or Other Language) resources, and computers with music software, computer-science software, professional mathematical-computing software, Internet access, word processing, and printing. We also have charging stations available for students, calculators available for checkout, and a 76-key keyboard (with headphones) available during operating hours.
New students: Interested in being a Peer-Tutor in the Academic Resource Center (ARC)? We have two fantastic opportunities. Students can apply to be a tutor through the Friends University employment site, or you can apply for a scholarship.
What To Do for and in an Appointment
Look for and click into the Academic Resource Center course on Moodle. You will find our hours, resources that may be helpful, and a gray button that says, “book now.”
When you come for an appointment, please bring your assignments, drafts, and/or notes and handouts to get the most out of your tutoring experience.
Make an appointment through our Moodle Shell, or click the button below.
The ARC is located on the first floor of the Edmund Stanley Library, in room 112.
Book an Appointment

The above button will take you to the Accudemia log in. If you need to set up your Accudemia log in, go to our Moodle shell and watch the video on how to make an appointment first.
Handouts & Resources
Resources for all types of writing, particularly research and documentation style, are available in the ARC Moodle shell. The center keeps a variety of style manuals (APA, MLA, Turabian), textbooks, handouts, and dictionaries for student use. Students may use the computers to write papers, for music theory and math classes, search databases and the Internet, access email, access Moodle, etc. Check them out!
Other Helpful Pages
ADA Services
The ARC is the contact for all on-campus ADA accessibility concerns and any ADA accommodation requirements. This includes permanent disabilities or short-term such as concussions or broken arms. Emotional Support Animal (ESA) requests also go through the ARC. Students needing to utilize ADA services or requesting ESA approval should visit the ADA Services page before contacting the ARC to learn what documentation is required.
Edmund Stanley Library
The Edmund Stanley Library provides many services and amenities, a tutorials web page to help you learn about the Library and how to use its resources, and a link to the online library catalog FriendLiCat.
Career Services
Your professional career starts here! The Career Services Office provides students and alumni of Friends University with information, tools and resources to explore career pathways and the steps needed to achieve your career goals. Maximize your future with assistance from the Career Services team. they offer help with career planning and career preparation, as well as providing career fairs, workshops, and networking events.
Credit for Prior Learning
Never underestimate yourself. You’ve invested years of experience, hard work, and perseverance in your career. Friends University values those experiences and the knowledge you’ve gained outside the classroom with professional training, volunteering, or life experience. Through our Credit for Prior Learning process, you can earn up to 30 hours of college credit toward your degree, saving precious time and money on your educational journey.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is an appointment required?
No, you do not need to book an appointment to use our services; however, if you are looking for a specific subject or tutor, it is best to schedule ahead of time to ensure they are available.
What kind of assignments will the Academic Resource Center help me with?
Our staff will assist you with any type of writing, whether it be class essays, research projects, graduate theses, grant applications, biology reports or even history term papers or resumes. Just bring in your draft and assignment (class notes, handouts, syllabus, etc.), and we can help you. We also help with mathematics and science concepts, accounting practices, computer-science processes, music theory, Spanish, and more. Our tutors can even help with study skills, quizzing over notes, etc. Consider our peer tutors your “Study Buddies!”
Where is it located and who helps me there?
Our facility is located centrally on the first floor of the Edmund Stanley Library, in room 112. Our staff is comprised of skilled professionals and academically strong students who have been through many hours of training to help you meet the demands of your courses.
Besides tutoring, what does the Academic Resource Center offer?
We’ve already mentioned a lot of things, but we can add that we have created a welcoming, comfortable environment that is focused on studying and learning, and people who are ready to help you with questions that come up as you study.
Can athletes earn study hall credit at the ARC?
Yes. We work closely with coaches and the athletic department because they want to support you in your learning. That is why when you work with a tutor, attend a study session, or study within the ARC, that time counts towards your weekly athletic study hall hours. We hope you’ll consider our tutors to be members of your team.
How can I use the Academic Resource Center if I am not on the Wichita campus?
Students enrolled in the College of Graduate and Professional Studies and distance learners may elect to submit essays to the Academic Resource Center digitally by following this link:
ARC Essay Review & Return Form
Any student can contact us about setting up a Zoom meeting.
For any other questions, please contact us during operating hours by calling us at (316) 295-5204