Center for Enterprise & Community

A New partnership for Wichita Business

Contact the Center Director, Rachel Steiner


The Center for Enterprise and Community Engagement (CECE) is located on the Friends University campus in the Olive White Garvey Business and Technology building. This center will provide students agency type experiential learning and education in project and business development through resources and support to the non-profit and commercial community.

Get a scholarship from the Center for Enterprise & Community Engagement

Wichita is a brilliant tapestry of small businesses, national corporations, artistic endeavors, and nonprofit organizations. At Friends University, we don’t just aim to be simply located in Wichita, but to learn how to thrive in and serve the city of Wichita, and especially the business community.

The CECE will combine community action and service with experiential learning activities to propel students on a pathway to their profession, all within the context of the Christian mission.

The types of projects could include, data collection and analysis, market research, program evaluation, accounting projects and business plan development. Students will opt in to work with the center, gaining important knowledge and real-world experience.

The CECE was established via a generous gift from a private donor in order to mobilize Friends University students majoring in business (and additional fields, as appropriate) to meet the needs of the Wichita community while simultaneously gaining valuable practical experience related to their field of study.

If you or your company have projects that you would like assistance with, please reach out to the Center’s Director, Rachel Steiner.

Apply for a Scholarship!

CECE Scholarship

This application also serves as your scholarship application. A scholarship is not guaranteed and, if awarded, can vary in the amount awarded. Applications will be processed as they are received. Correspondence regarding your application will be sent via email. Please note, your responses will not be saved if you exit the form. If you have any questions, you can contact the Director of CECE, Rachel Steiner at or 316-295-5829.

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