Welcome to ADA Services! Whether you have a permanent disability or temporary condition that impacts your ability to access what you need to succeed in your education, we are here to help. We will work with you to determine what academic accommodations will be helpful and arrange for them with faculty.
As the student, it is your responsibility to bring to our attention your need for accommodation due to a qualifying disability. You can request accommodation through the Academic Resource Center. Our staff will assist students in your request for accommodations and help you obtain other necessary support services. Once we receive proper information and have a conversation with you, the Academic Resource Center staff will notify appropriate faculty and/or university staff of your agreed-upon accommodations. The Academic Resource Center staff will also make arrangements with outside agencies for needed services (i.e., interpreters, audio books, notetaking software, etc.). Students are required to submit an updated disclosure release form each academic term in order for new faculty and/or staff to be contacted regarding your requested accommodations. Accommodation changes based on a new diagnosis will require additional documentation, but we always welcome you to talk with us regarding any questions or concerns that come up.
ADA Approval Forms
ADA Services Student Intake Form
Disability Information and Resources
Friends University ADA Services Policy
IDEA IEP 504 Plans & Accommodations Differences
Book an ADA Consultation Appointment

Emotional Support Animals
If you are living on campus and have a psycho-emotional disability that is helped by an emotional support animal that you want to bring on campus, approval goes through the ADA office and then the Residence Life Office. You will need to provide documentation from a professional who has a history of treating you for this disability. To make the process as smooth as possible, please contact our office for specific details needed in the documentation letter before asking your provider for the documentation. After the start of Fall 2022 semester (August 15), all requests for ESAs will need to be submitted at least 6 weeks prior to the start of the semester for which you want ESA approval to allow plenty of time for processing and any changes in housing that need to be made.
ESA Approval Form
ESA Form for Health Care Professional Completion
Contact Us
Academic Resource Center
Friends University Edmund Stanley Library, room 112
2100 W. University Ave.
Wichita, Kansas 67213
Call us at (316) 295-5204
Email us at ADA@friends.edu
ADA Statement
In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, Friends University does not exclude otherwise qualified persons with disabilities solely by reason of the disability from participating in university programs and activities, nor are persons with disabilities denied the benefits of these programs or subjected to discrimination.