Costs & Financial Aid
How do you measure the value of your education?
College is an investment that pays you back. A degree from Friends gives you even more for your investment—with returns for a lifetime.
- Contact Financial Aid
Highest Salary after Attending for graduates of Friends University compared to 29 four-year colleges and universities in Kansas.*
Out of Top 50 Universities with the Lowest Debt , Friends University was listed by Value Colleges as #37.
More grants awarded by private colleges than public universities, and students in private colleges receive far more financial aid than those attending public universities.**
Start your future at Friends.

Tuition & Expenses
Because we are committed to accessibility in private education, our tuition and expenses are competitive with comparable colleges and universities.

Scholarships & Cost Reduction
Friends University makes private education affordable. Discover scholarships, grants, and other forms of financial aid that reduce the cost of attending.
Institutional Scholarships
Friends offers many academic, athletic, fine arts and extracurricular scholarships and grants.
Outside Scholarships
Thousands of outside scholarship opportunities remain unused due to lack of applications. Finding a scholarship specific to your situation may result in significant benefits.
Fine Arts Scholarships
Talent and dedication to your craft are rewarded at Friends. The College of Fine Arts offers a variety of scholarships to students who excel in the arts.
Fine Arts Scholarships
Financial Aid
The Financial Aid Office assists students with every aspect of the financial aid process. Staff members evaluate students’ financial aid files, issue institutional award notices, process loan applications and are available to help students obtain information concerning outside scholarships.
Financial Aid
Tuition Discounts for Adult Undergraduate and Graduate Students
We are pleased to offer numerous discounts for non-traditional undergraduate and graduate students from various businesses, the military and other organizations.
Tuition Policies
Credit for Prior Learning
Credits from previous education, including professional or technical studies, may shorten your time of enrollment and reduce the cost of earning a degree.
Prior Learning Credits
Veteran & Military Services
You have earned the GI Bill® benefits by serving our country. As a Military Friendly School, Friends University is recognized for dedication to helping veterans achieve educational goals.
College-Level Exam Program (CLEP)
Developed by the College Board, CLEP is the most widely accepted credit-by-examination program, with 33 exams. Through CLEP, you receive college credit for what you already know, at a fraction of the cost.
CLEP Exams