Latino Leadership Application

Applications for fall 2024 are now available!

*STOP* If you have not applied and been accepted to Friends University, you must do that first.

Latino Leadership is expected to display leadership, academic excellence, and service throughout their journey at Friends University and beyond. If chosen, you will be part of the incoming class of Latino Leadership. The Latino Leadership application is open to anyone of Latino heritage or anyone who is interested in Latino culture and heritage.

Fields marked with an * are required
Pronouns *
Have you already applied to Friends University and been accepted? (check yes or no) *
Please answer the questions below in an essay response (500 words max, 300 words min):
  • What does it mean to be a leader? How have you implemented leadership within your personal and school life?
  • What is an experience or an attribute that sets you a part?
  • How would this program help you personally, academically, and for your future career? (Feel free to research this program and your major to include it in your answer)
500 of 500 word(s) left

Please answer the questions below in an essay response (500 words max, 300 words min):
  • How has your interest in Hispanic/Latino culture affected your upbringing and the way you see the world?
  • What challenges or obstacles do you foresee in being in Latino Leadership on campus and in your personal life?
  • What opportunities or advantages do you foresee in being Latino Leadership on campus and in your personal life?
(500 words max)
500 of 500 word(s) left


Please fill out the information for either a teacher, counselor or principal of your high school to fill out an electronic form recommendation on your behalf.