FRIENDS U FALCON ALER-WICHITA: Due to weather conditions campus will close today Jan. 10. Remote work will continue.

Friends University to host Cesar Chavez Day March 21

Friends University’s Hispanic American Leadership Organization (HALO), a student organization, will host an event March 21 in honor of César Chavez Day.

Nearly 200 Hispanic students plan to attend a fast-moving and visual event, along with inspiring guest speakers and other leaders in Wichita’s Hispanic community. Activities will also include choral and dance performances, break-out sessions, an Admissions presentation and tour of campus, scholarship information for prospective students and a drawing to win a scholarship, as well as many other activities.

“The central message of the life of César Chavez as he worked non-violently for the civil rights of Latinos and for all people was ¡Sí Se Puede! Loosely translated, this means ‘YES YOU CAN!’ It was a message of hope,” said Teresa Molina, visiting lecturer of Spanish and HALO sponsor. “Students will be part of a life-changing symposium where they will learn about ¡Sí Se Puede! Yes, they CAN aspire to a college education. Yes, they CAN find finances for their studies. Yes, they CAN and will see others just like themselves involved in one of the most active and energizing groups on campus, HALO, while they make their dreams come true! Hear speakers who have faced adversity, discrimination, immigration issues, financial need and more speak about being overcomers. It’s happening on the Friends University campus March 21 because, together, YES WE CAN!”

Below is a list of specific activities happening throughout the day in various locations.

Friends University, a Christian University of Quaker heritage, equips students to honor God and serve others by integrating their intellectual, spiritual and professional lives.