‘Any Minute Now’ Senior Gallery Reception Set for March 29 at Vertigo 232 Gallery

Wichita, Kan.– Friends University will sponsor a Final Friday reception for an exhibit titled ‘Any Minute Now.’ It will feature artwork by Friends University seniors Isabella Gonzalez, Ethan Harvey, Colin Honts, Danielle Medrano, Joana Segura and Madalyn Swinicki.

“‘Any Minute Now’ is a reference to the nearing of our adult lives. Any minute now we will be graduating from college, getting jobs and starting our lives. We are feeling accomplished, anxious, anticipating and assured,” said show partisipant Isabella Gonzalez.

The reception will be at Vertigo 232 Gallery, 232 North Market, in Wichita and will take place from 6 to 10 p.m. March 29. The artwork will be on display March 23-29. The reception is free and open to the public.

For more information on this event or other Fine Arts events, please contact the Fine Arts Box Office at 316-295-5677 or finearts@friends.edu.

Friends University, a Christian University of Quaker heritage, equips students to honor God and serve others by integrating their intellectual, spiritual and professional lives.