FRIENDS U FALCON ALER-WICHITA: Due to weather conditions campus will close today Jan. 10. Remote work will continue.

Friends University announces Class of 2019

Friends University is pleased to announce the following list of students who are candidates for graduation from Friends University’s Class of 2019. Friends University graduated approximately 500 students this spring.

Please Note: Some graduating students may not be listed because they are marked as “confidential” under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). To change their FERPA status, a student must contact the Registrar’s Office at and request a change.

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College of Business, Arts, Sciences and Education | College of Adult & Professional Studies | Graduate

College of Business, Arts, Sciences and Education

Bachelor of Arts
Jonathan Ahumada
Jorge Alferez
Brittany Bailey
Lindsey Barrett
Tiara Bouvia
Jacob Carl
Gonzalo Carranza
Tina Lynn Collins
Morgan Crull
Samantha Ebarb
Aaron Evans
Renisha Denise Ford
Jeren LaRay Francois
Keila Garcia
John R. Gardner
Aharon B. Geddis
Charles Glover
Isabella Gonzalez
Bethany K. Gray
Ethan Samuel Harvey
Amanda Nicole Hawkins
Colin Honts
Seth Kelley
Ashley Marie Knepper
Ellen Knocke
Bridget Cherie Komorowski
Elizabeth Kramer
Trisha Lynn Lauer
Gino Christopher Mann
Sarah Margaret Mason
James Aidan McCormick
Bailee Nichols-Clary
Laura J. Peck
Andrew Perez
John Joe Perez, Jr.
Bianca Petty
Jessica Quezada
John William Ralston
Allison Jayne Rariden
Madison Leann Rhodes
Nicholas Rhodes
Denna Roney
Daniel Rubio
Dalton James Rupp Meinert
Joana Segura
Shawntel Shirkey
Madalyn Swinicki
Zulema Viescas
Brooke Wheeler

Bachelor of Fine Arts
Shelby Dianne Fox

Bachelor of Music
Kiesha Anderson
Deion Burton
Jacob Carl
Sarah Marie Durant
Persis Munagi Lugalia
Eileen Denae Price

Bachelor of Science
Madelyn Abbey
Nemat Al-Birekdar
Bethanie Anderson
Braden Anderson
Lauren Montess Anderson
Nakayla Andrewjeski
Gabrielle Annonson
Juan Manuel Arizabaleta Cabal
Shelby Rae Belloni
Tesla Bethel
Marcos Recio Blanco
Jenna Lynn Blaski
Samantha De Borgerson
Jason Braziel
Heather Nicole Breslin
Kendra Kay Brull
Timothy W. Burnham
Leonardo Roche Catarina
Atir Cherne
Kelechi Chukwuka
Lea Clubb
Roderick Ian Connors
Blake Crandall
Ezekiel Craven
Robert Joseph Crowser
Ruben Curra Pose
Juan A. Da Luz Goncalves
Alexander John Dafoe
Lori Davis
Jessica Lynn DeWeese
Triton Douglas
Cory Douglass
Tucker Jack Downs
Addie Mae DuLac
Alicia Dunagan
Samuel J. Dupuis
Laramie Jo Edens
Trevor Jordan Edwards
Lydia Ehrmann
Emilio Escamilla
Lexington Fitzgerald Evans
Katie Ann Farra
Brooke Elizabeth Faulhaber
Dalia A. Fernandez
Justin Michael Fink
Madeline Flucke
Kylie Ellen Fox
Kathryn Michelle Frohardt
Robert Michael Gallagher
Omar Ismail Garcia
Rebecca Garland
Abbey Grace Garnett
Kaylee D. Gatzke
Kylee Glahn
Joao Filipe Evangelista de Holanda Gomes
Jazelle Gonzalez
John Patrick Gonzales
Vitor Parrini Haefeli
Breanna Rose Hamilton
Kristen Michelle Hankins
Mary Clare Harris
Pearce J. Harris
Austin Hendrickson
Sandra Hodge
Carlis Hopkins
Bobby Hopper
Melissa Jo Hughes
Mackenzie Hyland
Liana Jenkins
Andrew L. Jeppesen
Elijah Johnson
Cassandra Jones
Brendan Kane
Breanna M. Kelley
Erin King
Monique King
Addison Kingrey
Camaro C. Kocher
Jalen Esther Lambert
Charity LeMelle
Aspen Shae Loe
Rodrigo Mansur Marins
Casady Lanell Marlnee
Eleanor Irene Marshall
Brett Martin
Juan Manuel Martinez Cercadillo
Terrence McKinnon
Taylor Elise McLallen
Danielle Medrano
Grant Van Meter
Daniel Moore
Jordan Murdock
Randi Murray
Olivia Naccarato
Emilio Navarro
Hanna Rae Newhouse
Mackenzie Nichols
Flozell Nipper, Jr.
Krystin Noder
Daniel O’Veal
Igor Oliveira
Isaac Penner
Blair A. Perry
Daneisha Pierce
Javon Polk
Richard J. Racy
Kelsey Rambo
Emerson Romero
Dalton James Rupp Meinert
Joshua R. Schafer
Melissa Schwartz
Baleigh Nycole Seeber
Matthew James Sherrod
Kara Simmons
Amanda R. Smith
Nathan Dakota Smith
Sebastian James Smithback
Jace Snodgrass
Leonardo Martin Sosa Perez
Isaac Vaughan Sprague
Kaiygen Stubblefield
Courtney Mae Temen
Emily Thompson
Christa Janelle Titus
Maili Todd
Douglas L. Turner
Luis Vidal Pla
Makenzie Jean Vining
Maci Walker
Matthew Washee
Tiffany Christine Williams
Heidi Wiswell
Madeline Wolfe
Nichole Workley
Ashtyn Wuthrich
Brian Yount
Matthew Ziblay

College of Adult and Professional Studies

Bachelor of Arts
Jason R. Bartel
LaBradford Allen Berry
Gary Allan Bradshaw
Rodrigo D. Diacono
Raquel Flores
Christi N. Ingram
Jamin Johnston
Arturo Levi Lassiter
Patricia Dawn Lassiter
Zachary M. Rambo

Bachelor of Business Administration
Hernan Aguilar
Wesley Allen
Brandy Calvelage
Brian Cluck
Heather Renae Cummings
William Brian Daily
Lan Danielson
Amitai Delgado
Hannah M. Desch
Joshua J. Eggers
William Lee Evans
Michele Fanning-Sheets
Rachelle Ann Fitzwater
Ashley Genschorck
Michelle Graham
Ivett Herrera
Kendra Kay Hughes
Jennifer M. Isbell
Brian P. Isham
Kathleen R. Jansen
Larry Jarrett
Christopher D. Johnston
Hannah Dawn Lang
Treana M. Lankard
Shauna S. Little
Thalia J. Marrufo
Seth Lyle Michaelson
Jason Mitchell
Ricky Bryan Olds
Amber Oliveira
Raymond Pompa, Jr.
Amy L. Quigg
Amber N. Reeves
Stephanie D. Reida
Edith Meghan Roberts
Dolores D. Rocha
Bridget Suzanne Rohleder
Aaron Schilke
Brett L. Stuart
Suzanne Maree Turner
Kyle Dean Waldie
Rebekah Lynn Westerfield
Angela Kay Westcott
Amber D. White
Jessica Nicole Yagel

Bachelor of General Studies
Kyichia Baird
Oluwapelumi R. Kuye
Tammy L. Ferguson McNutt
Rachel N. Wesbrook

Bachelor of Science
Sonnya NaTria Adams
Justin Blake
John W. Bridgewater
Christopher Brown
Justin A. Case
Jillian Rayne Conner
Carlos Agustin Contreras
Melissa Dawn Craig
Melissa Deckert
Jack Isaac Donham
Scott Emeola
Michael S. Fanning
Caroline Nichol Greenlee
Rachel Raeann Halberg
Mary Jean Hidano
Davida Hollis
Ellie Johnson
Kory Neal Krause
Walter Largent
Stephanie Michelle Lear
Jill C. Leck
Amanda Marie Matthews
Rachel A. McDaniel
Jonathan Gary Miller
Adamou M. Mouchili
Brandi Moyer
Teresa G. Musgrove
Sarah Nestelroad
Gary Pergeson
John A. Provenzano
Maria Christine Ralston
Gavin Rose
Cynthia N. Rountree
Sean Sterling Schmidt
Montana Christine Severe
Genile Sisk
Donna L. Stephens
Meredith Ann Thomas
Lyn Daryl Tinsley
James Wason
Morgan Wegner
Kimberly Wheeler
Darcie L. Wilson
Amy Michelle Woodard

Graduate School

Master of Arts
Hayley Gayle Ballard
Zachary L. Batson
Carissa Bowers
Linda A. Brown
James G. Buras
Edward Thomas Caudill
Christopher M. Croyts
Emily P. Freeman
James Joseph Hutter
Dennis Wayne Johns
Jeanette Mericle
Adrianne Louise Manson
Jeanette Mericle
Gary Richardson
Patrick A. Schnieders
Susan B. Schnieders
Eric John Williams

Global Master of Business Administration
Fathieh Abdallah
Kianga Crowley
Patrick Daniel Harms
Randall W. Harris II
Alaina Dawn Johnson
Fidel Serrano
Jamie Slack
Brandi E. Stevenson
Magdalena Vercio
Tamara R. Villegas Stegman

Master of Business Administration
Robin Nicole Alli
James N. Autry
Kayla Stella Naomi Bartley
Christina Ann Bohrer
Eric Shawn Cartrite
Eric Christensen
Timothy Lynn Collins
Emily Conner
Caleb J. Cook
Neal Crowell
Gilvon Darkis
Souksavanh Keosyhavong Deleon
Yvonne Huynh Dien
Joshua Eggers
Jakki Lynette Ellis
Paul Esser
Devin Flickinger
Rachelle L. Frank
Margaret Fry
Mark Allen Galloway
Amy J. Hall
Daniel Hampel
Lolita Desiree Lewis
Christopher G. Lock
LaFranshonna McAllister
Jessica McCune
Timothy Medlin
Diana L. Medrano Nuñez
Jeana Melton
Paige Lynn Middleton
Kyle Patrick Neugebauer
Dustin R. Newby
Phu Nguyen
Marco Olivarez
Jeremy J. Pauly
Thuy Pham
Joseph R. Piñeda
Chad Pore
Bethany Ann Reilly
Shayla Arianne Reliford
Joshua Ritchie
Jeffery Stephen Roth
Jerissa RoAnne Roundtree
Matthew John Schmitt
Kevin K. Shelton, Jr.
Matthew Shroyer
Christina Marie Smith
Teresa Smith
Tiffany N. Smith
Lisa Marie Teer
Cedric Vance Toney
Phi Lein Vo
Karen J. Warn
Ann Marie Weatherman
Damilola M. Weinrich
Alyssa Lynette Wellington
David Scott Wellington
Victoria Ann Worden

Master of Education
Kelsey Allinger
Brenda Cecilia Alonzo-Monjaras
Marissa Avery
Laura Lee Baker
Tara Lee Balsters
Teresa Thi Bell
Grant Allen Bickell
Patricia Allison Bishop
S. Darla Brown
Abby Renee Brownell
Tara Lyn Comfort
Aaron Dibbens
Peggy S. Drew
Rachel Marie Eck
Randall Enright
Allison Fehr
Therese L. Foster
Kristin J. Franken
Annie Kate Friend
Lexi Giannetti
Hannah Josie Gilbert
Michaela Rose Girard
Jordynn Elise Gumm
Madison Haggerty
Shane Sanford Hahn
Jared Hall
Rachel Rae Hambleton
Karissa Magee Hammock
Aimee Rose Hampel
Denise Hansel
Cristi M. Hare
Laura Dawson Hartley
Amy L. Hayes
Kristen Hermann
AnnElise Irick
Ramona G. Kee-Adams
Hannah Koester
Jana K. Laffery
Emily Elizabeth Maier
Rachel Elise Matthew
Nicole McCormack
Tracey McNeely
Laurie McNeil
Andrew Miller
Blake Alexander Myers
Sandra Kay Pankratz
Christina L. Paul
Michelle Payne
Kimberly Lynn Payton
Sarah Persinger
Pamela Ann Peters
Vanessa Pinkston
Jennifer Porter
Hannah Katelyn Reber
Amanda Marie Rensink
Amber Renee Rizzo
Christopher Alan Roderick
Connie Sue Schaef
Alexis Schirmer
Tiffany Marie Schmidt
Steven E. Siemens
Staci Jean Simon
Sara Alise Srock
Emily Ann Teel
Caroline Teter
Sara Lynn Thompson
Valarie Thomsen
Paige Towey
Letoyia M. Van Daley
Adis Vanessa Villagrana
Elizabeth Walters
Steven “Andy” Weber
Jessica Weimer
Jake Brennan Whitaker

Master of Health Care Leadership
Messame Ewole Aurelie Edwige
Sahida Bagam
Deidra Lorayne Casida
Angela Katherine Gutierrez
Debra Hyatt-Massee
Todd Anthony Lutz
Justina Lwando
Deniece Morales
Jeffrey G. Schmeidler
Brandon P. Terhune
Erika Marie Tes
Krista Ward
Angela Joy Woods

Master of Management Information Systems
Soknarith Chhim
Richard Gaertner
Vanessa Keeler
Michael Benjamin Kumimoto
Lee A. Lewis, Jr.
Ritvik Mandala
Ngan N. Nguyen
Christina Irene Paulsen
Daniel Rivers
Nguyen Kevin Vu

Master of Science
Emily F. Aldrich
Amanda Shoff Altenhofen
Tyler Lynn Beach
Scott Bear Don’t Walk
Leah Therese Betzen
Troy Bielser
Elizabeth Bittiker
Emma Katherine Cannon
Micaela C. Case
Frederick Chen
Cody L. Cloud
Amanda Colliatie
Suzanne Compton
Jason Todd Cravens
Manon B. Czaplinski
Lily Dawson
Jami Evans
Verena Fawzy
Elexx Feyh
Samantha Ray Griffin
Jessica Nicole Gunkel
Kay Carson Hamilton
Janel E. Hartwell
Heather M. Hayden
Jocelyn Niño Hernandez
Lauren Hill-Harris
Mark Hobson
Chrisinda Lyn Hunter
Stephanie Michelle Iszory
Stephanie Michelle Jenkins
Stephenie Alexandra Klotzbach
Julie E. Lane
Chelsey Nicole LeClear
Michael A. Lerma
Sabrina Lunsford
Morgan Jean McCool
Eileen Melinda Mick
Shane B. Petersen
Deanna Phillips
Cindy L. Purifoy
Rebecca Paula Ramm
Christopher Read
Hannah Rogg
Brice Nathaniel Sanner
Mariam Saood
Melissa Schwartz
Alexandria Elena Shimp
Abigail Shinkle
Kelsie Kay Skelton
Danene Felshaw Smith
Hollyn M. Smith
Kethlyn Ann Staab
Cissy Jo Stiles
Morgan Ticum
Christopher W. Turner
Jeffery I. Upton
Derek Lee Whitney
Hannah Marie Wolverton
Melanie A. Wood
Cynthia L. Wright

Friends University, a Christian University of Quaker heritage, equips students to honor God and serve others by integrating their intellectual, spiritual and professional lives.