Friends University announced in Top 20 Christian Colleges

This article was posted on the Education Insider website.

In our 125 years of history, Friends University has reflected and develop its dedication to faith and Christian principles to best serve the needs of our students, faculty, and community. The enduring commitment has shaped the university’s mission, positioning it as a premier choice for Christian education in the region. Guided by these values, the university evolves, ensuring that its mission aligns with contemporary educational needs and spiritual growth under the leadership of President Dr. Amy Bragg Carey.  

She has been instrumental in recognizing the need for significant institutional changes to enhance the university’s adherence to its Christian mission. Dr. Carey says, “Through comprehensive campus-wide initiatives, we establish, authentic ways to integrate faith in every facet of university life, creating a robust and spiritually enriching environment for students and faculty and staff alike.” 

The heart of Friends University’s mission is cultivating a new generation of leaders who embody Christian principles in their personal and professional lives. By incorporating faith and Quaker values into the curriculum and campus activities, the university ensures that students develop a profound sense of stewardship and learn what it means to live as a friend of Jesus. 

A pivotal aspect of Friends University’s commitment to students is evident through our ‘We Believe’ statements, where we asked the faculty to “uphold” the mission, vision, values, statement in their contracts. Prospective employees are provided with an ‘About Us’ fact sheet that details the university’s Christian identity and mission, which they are encouraged to review and align themselves with during and after the hiring process. Both the ‘We Believe’ and the ‘About Us’ statements unify current and potential faculty to the same Christian ideals that Friends University upholds in all things done. 

Initiatives like these are a constant reminder of the university’s dedication to its Christian ethos and the RISE values—respect, inclusion, service and excellence. The holistic approach prepares graduates to become Christ-like leaders equipped to make meaningful contributions to society. 

An example of Friends University’s dedication to student leadership and spiritual growth is the Student Government Association (SGA). As a new edition to their responsibilities, the SGA cabinet participates in a fall retreat focused on learning about Jesus’ model of servant leadership. This retreat instills in student leaders the principles of humility, service and compassion, which they then bring into their service to the student body. Through this experience, student leaders are equipped to reflect spiritual leadership back onto the community, reinforcing the university’s Christian mission. 

At Friends University, the essence of a robust educational experience lies in cultivating a strong, supportive community where individuals uphold moral values and leadership principles. This commitment is rooted in the biblical principle from Proverbs 12:2—‘As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another,’ which underscores the importance of mutual support and engagement in personal and moral development. 

The moment students step onto campus, Friends University emphasizes the significance of community through initiatives like New Student Orientations. During these orientations, new students are introduced to the ‘What it takes to be a Falcon’ message, which outlines the community life standards and RISE values. These foundational values foster a community where every individual feels supported and encouraged to grow. 

From the initial orientation sessions to community service and leadership opportunities, the university ensures that students are well-equipped to grow personally and morally. By embracing the biblical principle of mutual support, Friends University prepares students for academic success and lives of virtue and leadership. 

Friends University, a Christian University of Quaker heritage, equips students to honor God and serve others by integrating their intellectual, spiritual, and professional lives. Friends University offers 60+ undergraduate degree options along with adult online, graduate and doctoral degrees. Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. For more information, visit our site at