The football program is resurrected! Dr. John Q Banbury assumed the role of head coach.
Baseball Champions
The baseball team earned a 1916 State Championship title after winning 14 out of 15 scheduled games.
New Athletic Facility
Construction began on Edmond Stanley gymnasium, a facility that would include a basketball court, running track, dressing rooms, locker rooms, and offices.
Victorious Football Season
The Quaking Quaker football team celebrated a victorious season, winning six out of eight games, with a parade downtown in front of the Broadview hotel.
Women’s Athletic Association
Soccer and Cross Country are introduced at Friends. With encouragement from the Women’s Athletic Association, which had just made its campus debut, there was increased interest in women’s athletics. At that time, the women’s sports included hockey, basketball, tennis, swimming, baseball and track.
Football Program Shut Down (Again)
Once again, the football program was shut down as it was considered too expensive for the benefit of too few people.
Newly Completed Gymnasium Remodeled
The Edmund Stanley Gymnasium was remodeled to increase seat capacity to 500. The building, started in 1918, and was put into use in 1919, though it was not completed until 1932.
“Mexico Invades the United States!”
“Mexico invades United States!” the December 11 issue of Life reports. Though not a literal invasion, the Friends University basketball team had a unique opportunity to play a team from the University of Mexico at Mexico City. The Fighting Quakers had the victory, scoring 38-21, though the rest of their..Read More
Men at War, Women on the Court
Because of World War II, the only sports tournaments held this year were those sponsored by the Woman’s Athletic Association. Sports included basketball, speedball, baseball, swimming, badminton, tennis and archery. The Singing Quakers was now an all-women ensemble.