The City of Wichita was presented with an “All-America City” award, an award given annually to 11 cities on the basis of citizen participation and achievements. Look Magazine and the National Municipal League were co-sponsors of the award. Friends University’s Singing Quakers provided music at City Hall when the “All-America..Read More
Students Help Organize Concert Tours
By 1914, the two Glee Clubs were well-established as entertaining touring ensembles. Students would help organize the annual tours and concerts which featured a mix of choral works and popular tunes, often interspersed with dramatic readings, elaborate costumes, and intricate staging. The tours were an effective recruiting tool that sparked..Read More
25th Anniversary Celebration
The Singing Quakers celebrated their 25th anniversary year under the direction of Fred C. Mayer. Season tickets for the anniversary performances were sold at $2.50. One of the notable students in the 50-voice ensemble that year was that of future Singing Quakers Director, Cecil Riney.
Singing Quakers Televise Performance
In preparation for an international tour, the choir performed a benefit concert at the Wichita Consistory Auditorium and a televised concert with the KAKE Television Station.
Covid-19 Pandemic
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, rehearsals were shortened, hosted in outdoor tents to limit the spread of the virus.
Cecil J. Riney Promoted to Head of Music Department
Cecil J. Riney was promoted to the head of the music department upon receiving his Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.
Glee Clubs Perform “Mikado”
While Glee Club tours had been separate for the men’s and women’s ensembles up till this point, department chair, Lucius Ades planned a combined tour that featured performances of Gilbert and Sullivan’s Mikado. The combined group performed the opera in five towns, carting along bulky lighting equipment, set pieces and..Read More
Annual Bach Festival of Music Debuts
The music department commemorated the 200th anniversary of composer J.S. Bach’s death with a three-concert festival: The Bach Festival of Music. After 1952, the festival became a yearly event.
First Wichita Choir to Tour Abroad
The Singing Quakers took on a European concert tour in July, making them the first choir from Wichita to ever tour abroad. The 43-member ensemble, plus a faculty vocal quartet participated in the International Music Eisteddfod (festival) in Wales and continued concerts in London, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy and France.
Televised Candlelight Concert
From December 23-25, Friends University’s Singing Quakers, bands, orchestra and student dancers hosted the annual Christmas Candlelight Concert off campus. The performance was televised on Kansas Public Television.