FRIENDS U FALCON ALER-WICHITA: Due to weather conditions campus will close today Jan. 10. Remote work will continue.

The First President is Chosen

The First President is Chosen

After the Kansas Yearly Meeting chose the board of directors for Friends University, their first responsibility was to name a president. They selected Edmund Stanley, an educator, who was to lead the school for 20 years. President Stanley’s courage in accepting the difficult task showed what a man he was – A Christian gentleman, a former teacher, an individualist of strength and purpose, not afraid of hard work. At once, he went out into the state to make friends for Friends University and to find students to attend. In addition, he cooperated with the board in arranging the curriculum, securing faculty members, cleaning and repairing the building so classes could begin in September.

(pg. 53 TG pg. 13 FU)