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Wichita, Kan. — Colleges of Distinction advocates for schools whose undergraduate experiences are grounded in a philosophy of well-rounded, individualized engagement. Friends University has excelled at having students graduate and enter the workforce with solid, well-developed critical thinking skills as well as the ability to adapt in an ever-changing society. Now, more than ever, it’s […]

Friends University is honored to be awarded the Homeschooling Parent Association (HSPA) Certification Badge. This designation assists families with college-bound students to find the perfect homeschool-friendly college or higher education opportunity. To see Friends University’s page on the HSPA site, visit Homeschoolingparent.com. Education Survey compiled a list of the best college programs in the U.S. […]

Friends University is pleased to announce students who have been named to the president’s and deans honor roll this spring. President’s Spring 2021 Honor Roll The following students have been named to the President’s Honor Roll at Friends University with a grade point average of 3.9 to 4.0. Dean’s Spring 2021 Honor Roll The following […]