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Dr. Rob Ramseyer has been chosen as the new athletic director at Friends University, replacing Dr. Carole Obermeyer, who recently retired from the position. Dr. Ramseyer comes to Friends from Hesston College (Kan.), where he had most recently served as the school’s athletic director and vice president of student development. “We are so pleased to […]

Eligibility A graduate of Friends University Distinguished accomplishment in business or professional life Exceptional service in local, state or national affairs Excellent leadership or service in support of the advancement of Friends University High standards of integrity and character Is living and physically able to attend the awards celebration (no posthumous nominations) If possible, the […]

Very few of her friends knew that Elizabeth “Lyssa” McKee, a Friends University student majoring in biology, would be graduating with her Bachelor of Science degree this past Saturday at the age of 17. She entered Friends University as a 16-year-old junior. According to Friends University records, she is the youngest person to graduate from the university in […]

This is a list of previous chapel events. Quicklinks to get to various semesters are below: Fall 2016 | Spring 2017 | Sall 2017 | Spring 2018 | Fall 2018 | Spring 2019 | Fall 2019 | Spring 2020 | Fall 2020 | Spring 2021 | Fall 2021 | Spring 2022 Fall 2016 Aug. 25, […]

Wichita, Kan. – Friends University will host a Final Friday reception featuring work by Friends University faculty and students. The reception will take place April 27 from 5-7 p.m. Artwork will include drawings, paintings, design, sculpture and more. The show will include 30 students and eight faculty contributors and will be on display through Saturday, […]