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The Friends University Dance program trains students to combine artistry with personal expression. Some dance performances are collaborative efforts with other disciplines such as Music Theatre.

Centered around a core of biology and chemistry courses, the biology degree at Friends University allows you to design a program that best suits your specific career goals

Major in Business Contact Admissions 316-295-5100 learn@friends.edu Leaders in business are catalysts to progress. At Friends University, you can gain the knowledge and hone the skills needed to become those leaders in the competitive environments of business and commerce. The location of the campus in a large metropolitan area has allowed Friends University to establish […]

The world of business is vast. A degree in business administration will allow you to play the field before settling into the niche and position that best fits your strengths and interests.

Friends University’s bachelor of business administration degree prepares you for a successful career in a variety of different business activities using a unique blend of cross-disciplinary business courses. The business management program includes accounting, finance, management, marketing and information systems.

Technology at Friends University is provided by the Office of Online Learning and Information Technology departments. The Office of Online Learning provides support for Moodle, online learning resources, and technology. Information Technology is divided into three main segments. Help Desk provides technical support for the University. Infrastructure is responsible for managing hardware and network services, […]

What can I do with my degree? Your career starts here! Career Services provides students and alumni of Friends University with information, tools, and resources to explore career pathways and the steps needed to achieve your career goals. Maximize your future with assistance from the Career Services team! Career Services Struggling with career planning? We can help! […]

The student experience at Friends University goes further than the classroom, outside the boundaries of the playing field, and extends beyond the comfort of the residence halls. Throughout the year, a vibrant energy consumes the campus and engages students, faculty, alumni, and staff in the traditions that have transformed Friends from simply a place of learning to a community of faith, family and fun.