Mentoring Students to Success!
The Friends University Falcon Mentorship Program is designed to connect students to alumni and business leaders to provide support and guidance to students in finding their vocation and navigating through their professional and educational life.
Applications are open!
Mentorship Program
Interested in the mentorship program?
Program Details
Connect with a mentor
Students can connect with mentors from various career fields and diverse backgrounds who can provide guidance, connections, advice and insight. Mentors can also help students learn employable skills, career competencies and will prepare them for the workforce.
Virtual Meetings
Mentors and mentees will meet virtually once a month for four months, for at least an hour.
Individualized attention
Mentors will have up to three mentees.
Preparation is Key
Mentees are encouraged to come to each session with questions prepared.
Helpful Mentoring
Mentors can give assignments or pose questions for mentees to spark conversation.
Mentors and Mentees must attend every session.
Set Goals for Success
Once assigned the mentorship group will decide on goals, communication and preferences.