FRIENDS U FALCON ALER-WICHITA: Due to weather conditions campus will close today Jan. 10. Remote work will continue.

General Education Goal 1: Intellectual and Practical Skills

General Education Goal 1: Intellectual and Practical Skills

Developing relationships and skills to be used while in college: Students will be able to analyze and evaluate assumptions, claims, evidence, arguments, and forms of expression; develop effective study skills, find campus resources, and interact with others in the university community.

CBASE: 5 Credit Hours Required (GNST 110 and GNST 111 or HNRS 110 and HNRS 111 and REL 101)
CAPS: 3 Credit Hours Required (CAPS 200)

Learning Outcome 1-A (O1-A): Begin formation of critical thinking through assignments, projects, and/or tests that require students to:

  1. Form judgments about the assumptions or claims presented.
  2. Analyze and synthesize basic information.
  3. Make evidence-based arguments to support conclusions.

Learning Outcome 1-B (O1-B): Students will be able to identify the institution’s academic and student-support services.

Learning Outcome 1-C (O1-C): Students will be able to identify key faculty and staff within those academic areas where they expect to operate.