Below is a collection of student and alumni testimonials that showcase the difference a Friends University education can make!
Why I love Friends!
What really impressed and surprised me is what the program taught me about community and how we go about growing in community – it’s Jesus’ idea for the way we should live.
Barb Shaw, Christian Spiritual Formation and Leadership
My understanding of spirituality, how I practice my life, and how I move into the world around me has been shaped and formed in so many good ways through the CSFL program at Friends. I’m learning how to walk into a room like a leader even when I’m not in charge and that true ministry is not something we do, it’s an overflow of life with God in his kingdom.
Emily P. Freeman, author of The Next Right Thing and CSFL graduate
Not only does the Master’s in Christian Spiritual Formation and Leadership program take seriously our dire need for deeper discipleship practices, as a bi-vocational pastor, I can also attest that it delivers high-level instruction combined with exceptional value and a realistic pace that can fit even into a busy schedule. This was the program I was waiting for.
Neal Whitlow, bi-vocational pastor and CSFL graduate